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Auction Pairs 2016Due to lack of suitable accommodation the event has been suspended this year - we apologise to all those who were hoping to play. Auction Pairs 2015The annual St John's Wood Bridge Club Auction Pairs took place this year on Monday 7th December. LessonsNext Beginners course - starts Wednesday 13th January 11.00 am. Details We are Record Breakers!Between the 31st October and 3rd of November 2003 a team of eight players from St John's Wood Bridge Club set a new world record for "The longest continuous card game" by playing 1012 hands over the course of 72 hours. From left: Finn Clark, Sonia Zakrzewski, David Gold, Tim West-Meads, Simon Macbeth, Gad Chadda, Sebastian Kristensen and Gareth Birdsall. |
St John's Wood Bridge Club Tel: 07973 384 902 Email: |